Official Ultimaker spare parts for Ultimaker Original+ printers. Not compatible with Ultimaker Original, except where specifically indicated.
2mm Hex Head Screwdriver (UM2/UM3/S5/S3/UMO/+)
2mm hex head screwdriver. Official Ultimaker spare part. Compatible with the following printers: Ultimaker S7 Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker S5 Ultimaker S3 Ultimaker 3 Ultimaker 3 Extended Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2 Extended+ Ultimaker Original+ Ultimaker 2 Go Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker...
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Aluminum Hot End Holder (UMO/UMO+)
The aluminum hot end holder is an official Ultimaker spare part for the Ultimaker Original and Ultimaker Original+.
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Bed Spring (UMO+/UM2/UM2X/UM2+/UM2X+)
Spring used in the build plate assembly for the Ultimaker 2 series and Ultimaker Original+ printers.
Official UltiMaker spare part for the following machines:
Ultimaker Original+
Ultimaker 2
Ultimaker 2 Extended
Ultimaker 2 Go
Ultimaker 2+
Ultimaker 2 Extended+
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Bowden Tube w/ Collets & Clips L750 (S3/UM3/UM2/UMO+/Connect)
Official Ultimaker Spare Parts. Compatible with the following printers: * Ultimaker 2+ Connect* Ultimaker S3* Ultimaker 3* Ultimaker 3 Extended* Ultimaker 2+* Ultimaker 2 Extended+* Ultimaker 2 * Ultimaker 2 Extended * Ultimaker Original* Ultimaker Original+ Includes 2 x Retaining Collets...
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Double Ribbon Display Cable (UM3/UM2/UMO+)
This cable connects your Ulticontroller to the red Olimex board on your Ultimaker 3 series printer, or can be used to connect the Ulitcontroller to the main board on your Ultimaker 2 series or Ultimaker Original+ printer. OEM part for the following printers: Ultimaker...
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Electronics Board (UM2+/UM2Ext+/UM2/Um2Ext/UM2Go/UMO+)
Main electronics board for the Ultimaker 2 series and Original+ printers, including the board and safety jumpers. The metal cover for the electronics board is available. Official Ultimaker Spare Parts for: Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker 2 Extended Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2...
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fbrc8 Strong Collet & Clip (2 each) S7/S5/S3/UM3/UM2(+)/UMO+
A pair of strong Bowden tube collets and blue retaining clips compatible with all Ultimaker series of machines. These collets have thick teeth to provide additional grip on the bowden tube for the most reliable printing experience. When installed in...
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Glass Clips x2 (UM3/2/Go/Ext/+/UMO+)
A pair of the spring clips for holding the glass in place. These clips can be used on all 4 corners of the bed, or on the back two corners as preferred. These are official Ultimaker spare parts, compatible with the following...
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Glass Print Bed (UM2/UM3/UMO+/S3/Connect)
Glass print bed approximately 9" x 10". Official Ultimaker spare part compatible with the following printers: Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker S3 Ultimaker 3 Ultimaker 3 Extended Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2 Extended+ Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker 2 Extended Ultimaker Original+ Ultimaker Original with Official...
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Heated Bed Cable (UM2+/Ext+/UMO+)
This is the cable that runs between the main electronics and the heated bed panel on the Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker 2 Extended+, and Ultimaker Original+. This is an updated version of the cable, released in 2016. If your heated bed...
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Heated Bed Panel and Cable(UMO+/UM2/UM2C/UM3)
OEM heated bed panel and cable for the Ultimaker 2+ Connect. The bed and cable set is compatible with the following machines: Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker 2 Extended Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker2 Extended+ Ultimaker Original+ (and the Ultimaker Original with Official Heated Bed Upgrade...
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Heater Cartridge 40W 24V (UMO+)
Official Ultimaker replacement 40W 24V printhead heater cartridge for the Ultimaker Original+ .
Not compatible with the Ultimaker Original printer (with the green electronics board).
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Hot-End Pack (UMO/UMO+)
Hot end parts pack comprising the heater block, nozzle and brass tube, plus teflon isolator, PEEK insulator. Also includes the Bowden tube retaining collet and blue clip. Official Ultimaker spares for the Ultimaker Original and Original+.  This product ships directly from the...
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Injection Molded Parts Set (UMO/+)
Official Ultimaker spare parts for the Ultimaker Original and Original+. This kit includes all of the injection molded parts in this photo, including those for the feeder assembly.
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Machine Oil (UM2/UM3/UMO/+/Ext/Go/S5/S3/S7)
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Light machine oil like sewing machine oil should be applied regularly to all of the smooth axis rods on your printer to keep everything in smooth operation. Compatible on the following printer models: Ultimaker S7 Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker...
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Magnalube Grease (UM2/UM3/UMO/+/Ext/Go/S5)
Thick green machine grease used for lubricating the trapezoidal lead screw on your printer and ensuring smooth movements on the Z-axis. Compatible on the following printer models: UltiMaker S7 Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2 Extended+ Ultimaker 3 Ultimaker...
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Peek Isolator (UMO/+)
Official Ultimaker Spare Parts for Ultimaker Original and Original+; PEEK isolator connects the PTFE coupler at the end of the Bowden Tube to the brass tube and heater block.
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Power Adapter 24v-220w and Cable (UM3/UM2/UMO+/Connect)
Official Ultimaker 24V Power Supply for the Ultimaker 2 series, Ultimaker Original+, and Ultimaker 3 series printers. Includes cable for standard US-style 3-pin wall socket. Compatible with the following machines: Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2+ Extended Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker 2...
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Power Cable US Type C13 (UM2/UM3/S7/S5/S3/UMO+)
The Power Cable US Type C13 is an official Ultimaker Spare Part. This power cable is compatible with the following models of Ultimaker printers: Ultimaker S7 Ultimaker S5 Ultimaker S3 Ultimaker 3 Ultimaker 3 Extended Ultimaker 2 Extended+ Ultimaker 2+...
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Print Head Linear Bearing Pack (UM2/Go/Ext//ConnectOriginal/UMO+)
Official Ultimaker Spare Parts for all Ultimaker Original and Ultimaker 2 family printers: Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2 Extended Ultimaker 2 Extended+ Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker 2 Go Ultimaker Original Ultimaker Original+ This is a pack of two LM6LUU linear...
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Printhead Temperature Sensor (PT100B) UM2/UM2X/UM2Go/UMO+
This is the official Ultimaker spare part for the Ultimaker Original+.
Also compatible with the Ultimaker 2, Ultimaker 2Go, and Ultimaker 2 Extended.
Not compatible with the Ultimaker 2+ or Ultimaker 2+ Extended.
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Safety Glass Clips (UM2/UM3/UMO+/S3/S5/Connect)
Safety glass clips, one each for the left and right front corners of the bed plate. Official Ultimaker spare part, can be used with the following Ultimaker printers: Ultimaker S5 Ultimaker S3 Ultimaker 2+ Connect Ultimaker 2+ Ultimaker 2 Extended+...
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UMO/UMO+ Extruder Motor
Feeder motor for Ultimaker Original and Ultimaker Original+ printers. OEM Ultimaker Spare part.
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Z-Motor with Trapezoidal Lead Screw and Nut (UM3/UM2/UMO+)
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Official Ultimaker Spare Parts.
Compatible with:
Ultimaker 2
Ultimaker 2+
Ultimaker 3
Ultimaker Original+
Not compatible with Ultimaker 2 Extended, Ultimaker 2Go, Ultimaker 2 Extended+, Ultimaker Original, Ultimaker 2+ Connect, or S-line printers.
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